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5 Most Common Types of A/C Air Filters

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Not all A/C air filters are created equally. Depending on your home, specific needs, and preferences, one type of air filter may be much more favorable to the next.

Having your A/C unit maintained and running smoothly (which is one of our many specialties) is very important, but also is having fresh quality air circulating throughout your home.

With that in mind, we have put together this concise guide on the most common types of A/C air filters to help you choose the right one for you.

1. Pleated Filters

These are arguably the most common A/C air filter that homeowners use. Pleated filters are great for catching debris from entering into your home's air ducts thanks to the filter's large surface area.

2. HEPA Filters

HEPA filters are very different from pleated filters. The main difference between HEPA filters and any other traditional home A/C filter is that it is not attached to or inserted at the entry point of an air duct, but rather it is plugged into the wall and filters the air around it by way of small fans that suction air toward it.

3. Electrostatic Filters

Electrostatic filters are unique in that they they create static which acts as a magnet for dust and other airborne particles. Pretty cool, huh? While traditional filters may allow some dust and debris to "fall through the cracks," so to speak, electrostatic filters are thought to be more impervious due to addition of its magnetic strength.

4. Washable Filters

Just as the name implies, washable filters allow you to reuse your air filter many times over by simply washing it. This is a great option for those more interested in an environmentally friendly option, as well as those looking to save money on their overall A/C costs.

5. Spun Glass Filters

Spun glass filters contain strands of fiberglass which are spun together to create its structure. It is a very common type of A/C filter as it's inexpensive, easily disposable, and it helps to keep the air in your home clean and fresh.


As you can see, there are many different types of A/C air filters. The one that you decide to choose will be dependent upon many factors, such as how much money you're willing to spend, which approach you're interested, and many other factors.

If you're unsure which A/C air filter to choose for your home, then you may want to try out a few different ones to see which best suite your individual needs. Also, remember that if you need any HVAC services, from maintenance to repair, the pros at Hunter Solutions will be more than happy to serve you!

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